Monday, May 12, 2008

Photo Album up! and a video to boot.

Photo Album

The Grand Finale

Things got hectic coming up to our deadline. Blades were the hardest part for us to make. But we managed to cut out some to use the day before we needed our windmill up. We had some trouble finding the correct angles to mount the blades. so we simply glued them to pre-constructed fan blades. Luckily for us our original design KICKED A$$ and we got our windmill up in time. When it came down to judging we blew the competition away (har har). With the wind blowing we produced about 10 volts. Other teams were pullin' in between .01 and .2 volts.

Bird-Slayer in motion:

Monday, April 28, 2008

April 28th

We worked with a motor from a fan, hoping to turn it into a generator. It proved to be too complicated and we scrapped that idea and are now working on a series of motors from a printer.
We constructed a fin from a kitty litter box. Richard is valiantly working on cutting up our tricycle, which we will use to mount this entire contraption on.

Currently our biggest obstacle is to find or construct blades for our windmill.

Friday, April 18, 2008

April the 18th

As the days tumble on in our troubled lives, we look to the only anchor to happiness we have. Wind turbines. We have been tinkering with the items we have brought in and learning to use the tools to construct a wonderful prototype. We are very near it's completion and will upload pictures diagrams and artistic interpretations of wind power ASAP.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 2

Today we shared the surplus of information we had each gathered. Most of the show went to Nate who had learned a lot about how a generator works. We now all have a basic understanding of the different ways that we could go about making one.
+ Find something that already has a generator and swipe it.
+ Find a motor and essentially tinker with it so that it works backwards.
+ Create a generator from scratch using mostly magnets and copper wire.

We are yet to decide what we will do. Our design is coming through as well though we are yet to build our prototype(s). That's next on the list.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Team Voltron Takes Flight!

Today we spread our wings and leapt from our nest. We have spread out the jobs for homework thusly:

Siera "Beaubeara" Beaupre -
General Research

Nate "To Be Announced" Houran -
Electronic Research

Leslie "Cubes McGee" Mayo-Smith -
Interview a renowned engineer.

David "Golden Sacker" Sell-
Material Scrounging

We also came up with some pretty nifty nicknames.